Want to make the most of money you are going to be spending anyway? Consider a cash back credit card like The Wells Fargo Active Cash card. With specific category bonuses, extra perks like extended warranties, and the potential to earn money back on regular purchases, a cash back card offers a straightforward and practical way to make your spending work for you while enjoying financial flexibility and additional benefits.
If you’re curious about the benefits of the Wells Fargo Active Cash credit card and what makes it a great option, Credello recently published a guide on what you need to know. Here are some key highlights.
1. Exceptional Welcome Offer
New Active Cash cardholders currently have the chance to earn a fantastic $200 in cash rewards by spending just $500 on purchases during the initial three months after opening their account.
2. Unlimited Cash Rewards Potential
Unlike many cash-back cards that impose spending limits, the Active Cash card boasts an unbounded 2% cash-back rate for all purchases.
3. No Annual Fee
In a time when finding a quality card with a $0 annual fee is becoming increasingly challenging, this card definitely deserves your attention.
4. Attractive Introductory APR
The Wells Fargo Active Cash card features an impressive 0% APR on both new purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months following the card’s opening, making it an enticing option for balance transfers as well.
5. Mobile Phone Protection
Should your cell phone encounter damage, loss, or theft, and you’re paying its monthly bill with your Active Cash card, Wells Fargo provides up to $1,200 in reimbursement (max 2 claims per year, each phone covered up to $600, with a $25 deductible).
6. Diverse Redemption Choices
While the standard option for redemption is a statement credit, the Active Cash card offers various other ways to use your cash-back rewards, including:
7. Visa Signature Perks
The Visa Signature program, typically not found on $0 annual fee cards, provides complimentary 24/7 access to the Visa Signature Concierge, an invaluable resource for travel planning, dining recommendations, or securing elusive entertainment tickets.
8. Added Advantages
Access to the Visa Signature Luxury Hotel Collection, no restrictions on spending categories, and no earning caps complete the impressive list of benefits.
Bottom Line
Credello considers the Wells Fargo Active Cash credit card to be a fantastic option for people looking to maximize their monthly spending. The features above should give you a good idea of whether the card is a good fit for your lifestyle.
Name: Carolina d’Arbelles-Valle
Email: press@credello.com
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