Striving for financial freedom can be challenging. However, there’s a powerful tool at your disposal to conquer debt, master budgeting, and take control of your financial destiny: personal finance blogs.

From practical advice to experience-based insights and actionable strategies, reading these blogs can transform your financial outlook. Whether you’re on a mission to pay off debt or looking to fine-tune your budget, Credello’s recommended personal finance blogs will help you feel empowered and inspired. Here’s a little bit more about each one of Credello’s picks to help you figure out which ones you find binge-worthy.


This finance blog is dedicated to helping you live well on a tight budget, offering advice on frugal living and building a solid retirement nest egg.

Mr. Money Mustache

As a pioneering FIRE (Financially Independent Retired Early) blog, it provides valuable insights into frugal living for both immediate financial efficiency and future freedom.

Clever Girl Finance

This blog not only offers robust personal finance advice but also features high-quality free financial courses, offering readers a comprehensive financial education.

Making Sense of Cents

Geared towards tech-savvy individuals, this blog provides a Millennial-oriented perspective on personal finance, covering topics such as the best finance apps, budgeting software, and creative ways to earn extra income.

Money Under 30

Focusing on establishing solid financial habits in your twenties, this blog serves as a definitive guide for savings during this critical period.

Real Deal Retirement

For those ready to take their financial planning seriously, this blog covers essential aspects of post-work life, including saving, investing, earning income, and lifestyle planning. It also offers a reader advice column for personal finance and investment queries.

Afford Anything

Going beyond money hoarding, this blog emphasizes mindful spending, following the motto “afford anything, not everything.” It encourages readers to spend on what genuinely brings them joy and aligns with their desires.

Money Saving Mom

Targeting families, Money Saving Mom offers spending tips and personal finance advice, emphasizing multiple revenue streams, frugal living, couponing, and even starting your own blog to achieve the dream of providing a good life for loved ones.

Bottom Line

To maximize the value of personal finance blogs, first, choose ones aligned with your financial goals. Regularly read and engage with the content to gain insights, stay updated on trends, and learn practical tips. Apply the advice to your own situation, track your progress, and adjust as needed. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and interact with the blog’s community for additional perspectives. Continuously educate yourself, make informed decisions, and adapt strategies for long-term financial growth.

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