Categories: Press Release

How to Stand Out When Applying for a Promotion

If you’ve been working at your job for a while now, it may feel like time for the next step in your career: a promotion.  A better role in your company usually means a new title and higher salary, which you can use to save for financial goals like travel funds, retirement savings, or a permanent life insurance policy like whole life insurance. Perhaps more importantly, a promotion allows you to grow as a professional and take on more responsibilities at your workplace. If your company has an opening for your dream job, the following tips can help you land a promotion.

1.      Ask for support

When you’re applying for a promotion within your organization, your supervisor could be a powerful ally. Let your manager know you’re seeking a promotion. If they’re receptive, you might request their feedback and support. They may have valuable information about how you could improve and prepare for a new role. Plus, they may be willing to recommend you for the promotion. A manager’s advocacy could go a long way.

2.      Take feedback seriously

The way you’ve responded to feedback in your current role can demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement. Whether you receive constructive criticism from your supervisor in a meeting, on employee evaluations, or even from a peer on a project, feedback could help you advance in your career. When you’re being considered for a promotion, hiring managers may notice how well you receive feedback, your history of improvement, and your dedication to growth.

3.      Innovate

Every company experiences roadblocks and has issues that need solving.  One way to show your value is by creatively solving problems when they come up. Those solutions may point toward opportunities for the company to reach new clients, increase productivity, or streamline their processes. By improving processes and coming up with creative ways to generate revenue and solve problems, you demonstrate what you bring to the team and show you are ready for the next level.

4.      Be enthusiastic

The hiring manager will likely want to see that you’re invested not only in the future of your career but also the company’s success. Make sure you understand your company’s mission statement, values, history, and goals for the future. Keep these things in mind as you adjust your resume and write a new cover letter. When you interview, be prepared with some anecdotes that show how your work has embodied the company’s values.

5.      Broaden your horizons

Looking beyond your job responsibilities could help you add value to the company and bring useful skills to the position. When possible, seek opportunities to learn more about your industry, like conferences or online classes. Taking advantage of training can show that you’re committed to personal development and that you have a big-picture understanding of your company’s mission.

The bottom line

If there’s a promotion on the table, you can put your best foot forward by demonstrating your commitment to the future of the company. Following these tips could show your supervisors that you’re a passionate, adaptable, and skilled employee with a lot to offer in a new role.