Clear aligners may do more than just improve the appearance of your smile. They could also have a lasting impact on your overall oral health. Addressing orthodontic issues now could help prevent severe complications in the future, from cavities to tooth loss. Aligners may also come with some risks, especially if they’re not used correctly. It’s essential to understand the potential long-term effects of clear aligners use so you can make the best decisions for your health and well-being.
Nearly half of all Americans over age 30 have some form of gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). When food particles stick to your teeth, bacteria develop. Over time, that bacteria could infect the gum tissue around your teeth, resulting in infection, inflammation and even tooth loss. Brushing and flossing to remove plaque offers the best defense against gum disease. However, crooked teeth often create small spaces that are more difficult to reach with a toothbrush or floss. These areas are especially susceptible to plaque buildup that could cause issues. Straightening your teeth minimizes those crevices and gives plaque less opportunity to spread.
People with crooked teeth often struggle with misaligned bites, in which upper and lower teeth don’t meet correctly when biting down. Misaligned bites can lead to issues like jaw pain and excessive wear on your teeth. Sometimes, issues with your bite could make it harder to enjoy your favorite foods. Clear aligners help correct these problems, promoting a healthier bite that could benefit you for years by reducing the risk of future dental complications.
Health risks associated with clear aligners largely depend on your habits. When you wear invisible aligners, it’s crucial to maintain high oral hygiene standards. Otherwise, bacteria may quickly spread in your tray. More bacteria means a greater risk of tooth decay, gum disease or more severe illnesses. On the other hand, if you follow your dentist’s guidance, you may develop better oral hygiene habits throughout your treatment.
Each time you eat a meal, you usually have to remove your aligners. Before putting it back in, it’s essential to brush and floss meticulously to remove food particles. Brushing and flossing after every meal may drastically reduce plaque. If you maintain this careful routine throughout your treatment and beyond, you could protect your teeth and gums.
Invisible aligners, like most medical treatments, come with some risks. However, as long as you adhere to your dentist or orthodontist’s guidelines, you can mitigate those risks and enjoy better long-term dental health. If you struggle with tooth alignment, seeking invisible aligners in Florida, Nebraska, California and nationwide could help you care for your smile today and your dental health in the future.
Name: Sonakshi Murze
Job Title: Manager
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