With inflation rising, it’s no surprise many are turning to credit cards to help pay for everyday expenses. But the more we rely on credit cards, the more difficult it becomes to stay out of debt. Some even have to file for bankruptcy just to get by, making it nearly impossible to get a credit card or personal loan after bankruptcy, locking them in a cycle of poor financial health.
Statistics show that where you live can impact your financial health, especially when carrying a credit card balance. Here are the states that statistically have the highest credit card debt in the country.
According to a survey done by WalletHub, these are the top 10 states whose residents carry the highest amounts of credit card debt, on average.
Most readers are surprised that stereotypically-expensive states such as New York and California didn’t make this list. While both New York and California residents still carried debt (averaging $8,214 and $8,505, respectively), it seems their residents have more awareness of their costs of living and don’t take on as much debt as residents who live in states that are typically seen as “cheaper.”
These findings can tell us that no matter where you live, it’s essential to be mindful of how much debt you’re taking on and make sure you’re responsibly managing your finances. Understanding your state’s average credit card debt and making responsible choices can help keep you out of trouble and maintain a healthy financial outlook.
There are many ways to manage your financial situation and avoid debt accumulation no matter where you live. By exploring your options and taking action when needed, you can ensure that you’re taking the right steps to keep your finances healthy and stable.
Name: Michael Bertini
Email: press@credello.com
Job Title: Consultant
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